Saturday 25 September 2010

Valuable Experiments

Colour Experimentation.

My colour experiments are now  fast becoming a part of my daily routine. I am fascinated in what can happen between pigments and even more facsinated when water interacts to create patterns with  brilliant and varied effects. These I use in my larger paintings to full effect and my journey in watercolour has never been more exciting.

Just when I thought I was enjoying myself along came a new idea which took me off at a hundred miles an hour in a completly new direction.

I feel as though I am at the best party imaginable with a million oufits to choose from to wear to it! It's heaven and so addictive!

I wish everyone reading my blog a fantastic day and I hope if you are a watercolour addict as much as I am that you are having fun moving that brush. Just think, you can't get today back so make this one count!

Have fun and happy painting!


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